....and now I have a blog for my beloved Terra. For those of you who are new to my blogging, or who have been living in a cave for the last year or so, Terra is our beautiful "dog". I say "dog" in quotations because she is soooooo far from being just a "dog". She's our girl. The most wonderful poochie ever created. She's a 2 year old Jack Russell Terrier (she just celebrated her 2nd birthday on August 19th!). I first met Terra when she was just a puppy....a teeny, tiny little thing...the runt of the litter. She belonged to Randy that I worked with at Standard Auto. She was so tiny that she used to fit in the pocket of Randy's hoodie! I loved her from the moment that I saw her. Around the same time, Lukas started in on how he wanted a little dog. We had Macy at the time, and she was just too big for him to cuddle or play with. So that set the wheels in motion. It took a few months of thinking and keeping my eyes and ears open for a litle dog. One day I asked Randy how Terra was doing, and he said "Great, why? You want her?". I was stunned! He proceeded to explain that his wife was pregnant with their 2nd child, and that no one was ever home with her, and that they needed to get rid of her. Long story made short, I made an agreement with Mike that I would forget the idea that I had to get a Fresh Air Kid for 2 weeks if he would let me bring Terra home (leaving out the part that I had to give Randy $100!). On June 24th, 2007, Jake and I went to get her. I had to stop and get her some food, treats, dishes, toys, etc....then brought her home to meet Lukas. He was THRILLED beyond belief!! Randy gave me a book called "Jack Russell Terrier's for Dummies". It was a great book full of information on her breed, and it proved to be very helpful. She had a little trouble at first with housebreaking, but with time, we came to realize that little dogs need to be taken out every couple of hours whether they need it or not.
It's been over a year now, and I just can not rave enough about how wonderful Terra is, and how much joy she has brought to our lives. Each one of us are totally head over heels in love with her. She is a part of our family. She brightens our days. She has personality plus. She is, without a doubt, the total package.
If you ask anyone about a Jack Russell Terrier, the very first thing that comes to mind is how hyper they are. Not the case with Terra. Though she has her moments, overall, she is a lover, a cuddler. As with all JRT's, she is EXTREMELY intelligent....no lie. She loves playing ball and torturing the cat! Terra's a great dog to take camping with us as she rarely barks, adjusts well to new surroundings, and rides well in the car. Her favorite treats are "Munchy Mini Bones", which she is only allowed at bedtime. She sleeps with me every night, snuggled up under the blankies like a human. Many times, I will wake with her head next to mine on the pillow. She tends to be a HUGE bed hog though! If Mike's around, she pays practically no attention to me. Actually, she'll downright ignore me!
I guess that I've rambled enough for tonight. Precious has been ready for bed for hours now (she lets you know when she's ready!).